During a conversational 15-minute speech, Obama poked fun at himself telling the crowd that when he was photographed last weekend riding a bike with his children, he looked like Urkel.
Obama Pledges Funding for Cycling
CHICAGO, IL (BRAIN)—Barack Obama, in a private 20-minute meeting with members of the Bikes Belong board of directors, told them if he were elected president he would increase funding for cycling and pedestrian projects. And the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee also said he would support Safe Routes to Schools programs.
He also told them he seldom makes promises on what he would do if elected president, but that this was a promise he would keep. Tim Blumenthal, executive director of Bikes Belong, laid out the industry’s position on boosting funding for cycling-related projects and for Safe Routes to Schools at the meeting.
Stan Day, SRAM’s president, said that Obama “gets it.” He pointed out that Obama understands that bicycles can be part of a solution to issues as diverse as health care, obesity, energy and environmental policy. “He does his homework and he can connect the dots,” he said.
Tom Petrie, president of Velimpex, who flew to Chicago Thursday afternoon, said he didn’t expect to hear Obama lay out a specific agenda for the bicycle industry. “However, it was refreshing to see somebody trying to unite the country instead of trying to divide it with wedge issues. I find it refreshing and, frankly, necessary,” Petrie said.
—Marc Sani
Okay, based solely on this issue (and there are others I care about), I am supporting Barack.
However, lets examine bicycles in recent politics.
When John Kerry was running for president he was photographed riding a Serotta Ottrot. It is a $8000 custom road bike. Obviously very specific and something an avid cyclist would choose for himself. Note the Sidi Genius cycling shoes.
W rides a Trek Fuel 9.8. A carbon fiber $3100 "American" mountain bike. Who the hell rides carbon fiber Mountain Bikes other than racers and douche bags? Note the running shoes. The bike was sent to him by John Burke of Trek. Do you think you would ever see him ride this anywhere other than his ranch? Probably not.
Here's a picture of fomer President Jimmy Carter on a Rivendell. Note the casual attire, no helmet, and loafers. I admire his sense of style. No longer a focus of media attention, he looks like he riding for fun.
The image of Barack shows him on a Trek Hybrid. Much less expensive. He's wearing everyday clothes and pulling a tag-a-long with his kid. I won't bitch about the low rear tire pressure and cross shifting (rookie mistakes). Looks a lot like what an average voter can afford and would most likely ride. Kudos to Obama. Urkel aint so bad.
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